Wednesday, 30 May 2007


A hundred miles up in the sky, Eric Jorgenson, the Captain of Raphael, opened the document case with a sense of growing excitement.
This was to be his last mission before returning to his home planet to become Chief Controller of the Space Academy. It was the most prestigious job in the Galaxy and one he had been angling for since joining the elite of the Cruiser Convoys.
There had been precious little to interest him during the past five years apart from the Dragon Invasion that had turned out to be a Virtual Prank by a team of sophisticated but harmless youngsters.
The destination had ceased to remain a secret ever since they had left the security of Planetary Level One. The figures on the screens told their own story: Raphael was heading for The Forbidden Universe.
Tales about this place were legendary, and usual highly inaccurate. Despite this fact they managed to frighten the little children. Naughty boys and girls were quickly cowed into good behavior by a threat to send them packing to the Forbidden Planet.

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About Me

Author of fantasy, thriller and adventure novels attempting to cast light on the human experience. Planet Earth is here to stay - but are WE?